Topic: A new fast method for calculating non-linear wave loading on offshore structures
Speaker: Dr. Jun Zang - University of Bath
Jun Zang is the Deputy Director of Centre for Infrastructure, Geotechnical and Water Engineering Research (IGWE), and a member of the Senate of the University of Bath.
Prior to joining Bath in 2007, Dr. Zang had worked in different roles in her career, which include Departmental Lecturer at the University of Oxford, Research Fellow at MMU, Design Engineer in the offshore industry, Visiting Academic at HR Wallingford, and Lecturer at Dalian University of Technology.
Dr. Zang’s research concerns the impact of extreme wave loadings on coastal and offshore structures, the development of marine Renewable energy, and the development and applications of advanced numerical methods for modelling wave-structure interactions. She has led/participated in several large national and international research projects involving coastal and offshore hydrodynamics.
She was the Chair of the PRIMaRE, Partnership of world-class research institutions based in the UK for research in Marine Renewable Energy in the academic year of 2015-2016, an Associate Editor of the International Journal on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, and Frontiers in Marine Science, and an editorial board member of several other journals. She Co-chaired the prestigious 30th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies in 2015, and PRIMaRE conference on marine renewable energy.