OutreachEngineering the Future for Girls

Inspiring the next generation of engineers

Engineering the Future for Girls is a 4-day programme designed to engage girls in S3 from schools across Scotland in a range of engineering challenges that will inspire them to become the next generation of engineers. Hosted by the University of Strathclyde, the programme is run in partnership with BAM Nuttall, Weir Plc, and West Fraser.

Evidence shows that there is a poor gender balance within most engineering degree courses in the UK. The undergraduate intake statistics are significantly skewed towards male undergraduates, with some courses having less than 10% female students. The main reason for this is that many young females see science and engineering subjects as being male–orientated and hence ‘not for them’.

Our Engineering the Future for Girls programme has three main objectives:

  • engage girls in activities that highlight their talents and enhance their self-confidence
  • inspire more female students to become the next generation of engineers
  • promote a wide range of career options within the different Engineering disciplines.

The programme takes place at the University for 4 days in May.

Open to all S3 girls in Scotland, the programme, which runs at the University for four days in May each year, has 100 places available.

Participants will hear from university staff and company colleagues who will provide insight into studying and working in the field of engineering.

2025 Programme

Applications open on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

Learn more about the application process and how to apply.

For more information on the programme or if you have any questions then please e-mail us at engineeringthefutureforgirls@strath.ac.uk

Engineering the Future for Girls 2023