C-INSPREOur teaching and training

The C-INSPRE programme supports two tracks of interdisciplinary knowledge: sustainable energy technoscience informed by an understanding of policy and economic considerations and sustainable energy policy/analysis informed by an understanding of energy science and engineering.

The C-INSPRE cohort will:

  • Engage with all four faculties of the University of Strathclyde in diverse and meaningful training in all facets of sustainable energy.
  • Train in the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of science and technology to industry and government standards.
  • Get hands-on cross-training via secondments to a different faculty (Science/Engineering to Business/Humanities & Social Sciences and vice versa).
  • Engage in intra and extramural knowledge exchange activities including colloquia, workshops, and field trips to a wide range of industries and institutions relevant to renewable energy, energy policy, and environmental impact.