Confucius Institute for Scotlands SchoolsSelf-evaluation for self-improvement

Our publication 'Self-evaluation for self-improvement' puts quality improvement at the heart of what we do.

The document is designed to support Confucius Classroom staff and schools as they reflect upon their practice and evaluate the overall impact of the Confucius Classroom Hub.

Read the publication Self-evaluation for self-improvement. Version 1.


Our Confucius Hub is supported by the wider school community with a clear commitment to inclusion, equity and equality and celebrating diversity.

We are moving from a historic emphasis of HSK testing towards a more ambitious presentation policy, which will support more pupils to achieve National Qualifications.

Our Confucius hub enables learners to explore Mandarin and Chinese culture within a structured and supportive learning environment. Pupils develop confidence, skills and experiences.

- Fife Secondary Confucius Classroom Self-Evaluation Report 2017-18