Confucius Institute for Scotlands SchoolsAlistair Paton

Alistair Paton

  • Name

Alistair Paton

  • Age

19 (2018/2019 Scholarship)

  • Degree

French and Maths at the University of Glasgow

  • How long have you studied Chinese?

4 years

  • Do you speak any other languages?

French and Russian

  • Describe your Tianjin experience.

My Tianjin experience allowed me to explore China and its culture all while making friends from around the world.

  • What do you love about China?

I love that every region of the country has different cultures and histories. No matter what you like, you can find it in China.

  • What is the best opportunity learning Chinese has given you?

For me, learning Chinese has allowed me to connect with more people than I ever could've imagined.

  • How would you like to use your Chinese in the future?

After I finish my degree I would like to work in China and other Asian countries in the finance sector or in the Foreign Office.