Education Blog

St Luke’s High School Project

Kate Wall, Rebekah Sims, Amanda Corrigan, Kath McCrorie, Will Quirke, and Nova Lauder-Scott from the Institute of Education have been delighted to work with young people from St Luke’s High School in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire, in an exciting project.

The project has a two-pronged approach with Institute staff working with a group of teaching staff and two groups of learners (one group of BGE and one group of senior learners) to develop practitioner enquiry skills, with the aim of taking forward improvement in the school.

On a bright but freezing cold day in October, the learners, ranging from S1 – S6, came on to campus to get a snapshot of life as a Strathclyder.  Their day began with a lecture-style lesson thinking about creative and ethical ways to collect data.  This was followed by a tour of the library, the sports centre, various landmarks on campus and, of course, the all important – lunch!

It wasn’t just about pizza – though admittedly that was a popular highlight – there was some serious researching to be completed.  Armed with digital devices, the enthusiastic young researchers undertook a mission to collect data in the form of photographs that would help them capture the story of their day as Strathclyders.  The learners had to be mindful of the ethics around permission, and then had the difficult job of narrowing their selection. Once they were happy with their choices, they had to weave a short narrative to accompany their visual data.

We think they did a fantastic job and hope you enjoy reading them.


External view of Strathclyde Sport

We arrived at Strathclyde University.  It’s very big with buildings on both sides of the road.

Internal view of Strathclyde Sport

We toured the library and the gym.  Everywhere is massive.  The gym had state of the art equipment and lots of people exercising.

At lunch we went to a café that sold the biggest slices of pizza we had ever seen.  Pizza and Irn Bru = best lunch.

Slice of pizza and drink

We saw a room that could be split into two and used for dance or fitness classes.

Internal view of Strathclyde Sport empty gym hall

Mural of St Mungo on end of tenement wall

After lunch we went to the teaching building for a workshop, we did a walk round the streets.  Some of the walls had murals to make them look nicer.


Relaxation room in Strathclyde library

This is a safe, relaxing, calming room in the library for the students of Strathclyde to chill out and take a break.

This shows the new facilities of the sports centre of Strathclyde university.

Spin room in green neon lighting at Strathclyde Sport


This image shows the beautiful scenery in nature on the campus.

In the midst of a big, busy city there are still quiet,safe spacesthat people can go to for peace and quiet.

Green space in centre of Strathclyde campus 

Mural of St Mungo on end of tenement wall  This mural shows the artistic side of Glasgow, with a painting of St Mungo.  This image shows the quality of food produced in the university.  Slice of pizza, drink, and chocolate bars


St Luke’s arrived at Strathclyde University.

External view of Strathclyde Sport

They entered the Business School. They talked about their project. 

Internal view of Strathclyde Business School room

After the meeting they walked across to the sports centre and had a tour of the centre.

Spin room in green neon lighting at Strathclyde Sport

Slice of pizza and drink

After the sports centre they walked to the library and they had moving bookshelves and a PC area.  After the tour they had lunch in the centre.

Mural of men on a boat on end of Strathclyde Graham Hills building

They walked around the oldest part of Glasgow and saw murals on the buildings, then came back to do a meeting.


External view of Strathclyde Sport

Arriving at Strathclyde after a short bus journey, admired the scale of the campus and spoke with the lecturers from the University.

After a very informative introduction, we moved from the business centre to the Strathclyde sport  centre with a tour of the whole place.

External view of Strathclyde Sport 

Shortly after the visit to the sports centre, we moved to the Andersonian Library.  We got a quick tour and had lunch there.

Shelves of book in Strathclyde library  Mural of St Mungo on end of tenement wall  Following the library tour and lunch we visited the oldest part of Glasgow (Castle Street) and we explored the murals of Glasgow City.

Finally, we arrived at the learning and teaching building where we received a talk about data analysis – after an intense search for Room 557! 

Internal view of Strathclyde Learning and Teaching room  


Published 14/05/2024