Institute for Inspiring Children’s FuturesA word from Professor Jennifer Davidson, Executive Director

Watch this short video from Professor Jennifer Davidson 

“Perhaps now more than ever, we’re aware of how internationally inter-dependent we are, right around the globe. And caring well for children, and finding solutions to underlying, structural causes that hold children back from fulfilling their potential —especially for those children who face the greatest adversity—is likewise, a truly global challenge. This is, if anything, a time when we need to be all the more concerned about children, their families and their well-being, and especially the children in our world who are most disadvantaged.

This is an important moment to act: to draw from our academic knowledge and practice wisdom about the realities of the children and their families facing the greatest adversity; to apply this to facilitate international advocacy and action to realise children’s rights; and to work in new, multi-sectoral ways to address the underlying causes that can drive children’s need for care and protection—and perpetuates disadvantage— in the first place.

Embedded in children’s human rights and drawing on the energy and focus of the Sustainable Development Goals, Inspiring Children’s Futures increases the awareness, attention and action for children and their families who face the greatest adversity, confident in the worth and rights of every child, and ultimately in the importance of leaving no child behind.”


To learn more about Professor Jennifer Davidson, visit her staff page and read her 60 Seconds With... interview.