Inspiring Children’s Futures works with partners to drive change, to fully implement children’s human rights, and is a founding partner of the Observatory for Children’s Human Rights in Scotland.

Institute for Inspiring Children’s FuturesProject: The Observatory for Children’s Human Rights in Scotland
News: Responding to COVID-19
The Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland has commissioned the Observatory to quickly undertake an ‘Alternative Child Rights Impact Assessment’ on the on the relevant legislation and policy for the COVID-19, as it relates to children’s and young people’s rights in Scotland legislation and guidance that has emerged in response to COVID-19.
As an initiating partner of the Observatory, Inspiring Children’s Futures is contributing to this ‘CRIA’, along with ICF’s partner Centre colleagues: CYCJ, CELCIS and Centre for Human Rights Studies at the University of Strathclyde.
What is the Observatory?
The Observatory’s vision is that children’s human rights are fully implemented in all areas of children and young people’s lives in Scotland, in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and broader international human rights treaties. This will help to ensure that children’s human dignity is respected and all children are supported to thrive and reach their full potential.
To achieve this, we want to change locally and learn globally…
- To strategically advance opportunities for fully realising children’s human rights in practice, policy and legislation
- To bring together lived experiences, academic, inter-disciplinary and cross-sector contributions, to exchange and amplify ideas, evidence and expertise, in order to accelerate progress in implementing children’s human rights
- To identify gaps in implementing children’s human rights, in terms of particular areas, practice and systems, and how to address these
- To grapple with the contentious, problematic and complex challenges inherent to implementing children’s human rights in legislation, policy and practic
In addition to Inspiring Children’s Futures, the organisations working together to develop the Observatory’s strategy and agenda include:
- Childhood and Youth Studies Research Group, MHSES, University of Edinburgh
- Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland
- Children’s Parliament
- Scottish Youth Parliament
- Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
Find out more information on the Observatory for Children’s Human Rights in Scotland.