Humanities & Social SciencesStudent Blogs

"A Scottish Student's International Internship in Canada"

By Melissa Jack

During the summer, I was successful in obtaining an internship in a real estate law firm in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. While completing my placement at True Path Law Firm, I gained a better understanding of purchase, sale, and refinance transactions. I was also invited to attend the CIMBC Networking event wherein I developed a deeper understanding of the Canadian real estate market and the various parties involved in a typical real estate transaction. 

During my placement, I provided assistance in the legal accounting department. This, in turn, gave me the opportunity to utilize my knowledge in trust law from a practical standpoint. In addition, I was tasked with reviewing purchase and sale records to determine whether any undertakings were still outstanding and/or final reports needed to be completed.

Finally, I would provide relief on reception. This enabled me to converse with a number of clients visiting the office. Of course, some clients were pleasantly surprised to find a Scottish lass sitting behind the front desk. Nevertheless, I would receive compliments that it had added a nice touch to the office.

Overall, I had an amazing experience doing a placement overseas and would highly recommend Strathclyde law students to think globally when applying for vacation schemes. I had a contact in the firm who put me in touch with the principal lawyer. This, in turn, led to an internship opportunity in the firm towards the end of summer. It is important to network as this can lead to the possibility of a position being created for you rather than having to go through a standard application process.