Humanities & Social SciencesNews Archive 2018
Faculty Celebrates Strong Performance in UK University Rankings
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Strathclyde has performed exceptionally well in the last year and as a result, we are celebrating the significant improvements we have made in terms of where we are ranked according to The Complete University Guide, The Guardian and The Sunday Times Good University Guide's ranking list for 2019.
Strathclyde Law Clinic Success
Well done to our Law Clinic who were joint winners with Glasgow Caledonian Law Clinic of the Evening Times public service award! The students were delighted with their win and it is well deserved after all their hard work.
TransEDU Project has won at the Herald Scotland and GenAnalytics Diversity Awards
The TransEDU project, conducted by Dr Matson Lawrence and Dr Stephanie Mckendry at the University of Strathclyde, has won at the Herald Scotland & GenAnalytics Diversity Awards in the 'Diversity Through Education' category. The awards took place on the 11th of October.
#ThinkActivity wins ‘Top Team Award’ at the Scottish Health Awards 2018
There has been a flurry of activity in research and clinical practice, on the importance of patients moving more and the hazards of deconditioning whilst in hospital. The popular Twitter campaign #EndPJParalysis has had a huge profile aiming to get patients dressed and potentially ready to move about more. But are we seeing a change in how much patients are moving and why would that be important?