An appeal is a request for a review of a decision by an Examination Board and can only be made once you have received official notification of your results and on the following grounds:
- procedural irregularities in the assessment process (including alleged administrative error which could have led the Board of Examiners to reach a different conclusion to that which they might have reached had the error not been made)
- inadequate assessment, prejudice or bias on the part of the examiners
- medical, personal or other circumstances which affected your performance of which the examiners were unaware at the time of the assessment
If you have grounds for appeal, as defined within the University's Policy and Procedures on Academic Appeals, you may appeal to the relevant Faculty Appeals Committee. If you are considering making an appeal you may wish to consult with your Advisor of Studies or the relevant Faculty Office.
You should set out clearly, using the appropriate form, the grounds on which you seek special consideration. You must attach relevant supporting evidence. Please note that only information not previously submitted for consideration as personal circumstances will be considered. Appeals must be received in the relevant Faculty Office no later than two weeks from the date of your results first being released on Pegasus. Appeals received after the deadline will not be considered in line with the University's Personal Circumstances and Academic Appeals Policy, except in exceptional circumstances.
Please note, as examination scripts are destroyed at the end of the following semester, no enquiries or retrospective appeals can be made thereafter in connection with any failed subjects.
Submitting appeals
Appeals submitted electronically should be sent from a student’s Strathclyde email account to:
- Business School:
- Faculty of Engineering:
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
- Faculty of Science:
- Appeals to Senate should be sent to
The Academic Appeal Forms and the University Policy and Procedures can be found on the Academic Policies & Procedures web page.
When an appeal is pending
If you are on a taught course, you should continue to attend classes and/or take any relevant assessments while awaiting the outcome of your appeal.
Where your appeal is against an award you are not permitted to graduate and should inform the Graduation Section of Student Experience (graduation-enquiries
For information and advice on matters of appealing you should contact the University of Strathclyde Students’ Association at before lodging an appeal.