PoliciesAcademic policies & procedures

This page provides a list of the Academic Policies, Procedures and Guidance. The policies, procedures and guidance are organised by the topics listed below. Further information can be obtained by emailing educationenhancement-quality@strath.ac.uk.

UK Quality Code for Higher Education

All of the University’s academic policies, procedures and guidance must align with the Quality Assurance Agency’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education which is used to assure the standards and quality of higher education in the UK.

Cycle of reviews

The University aims to review its academic policies, procedures and guidance every three years to ensure they remain compliant with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education or other external drivers and that they remain consistent with the strategic direction of the University. The academic policies, procedures and guidance should also be reviewed in light of any organisational changes that will impact the terms referenced throughout the documents for example changes to function names or staff job titles.


This section provides the various procedures and guidelines required to deal with Personal Circumstances and Academic Appeals.

This policy sets out the agreed principles for the structure of the academic year, the teaching calendar, the relationship with operational timetabling procedures and the responsibilities of staff and students to ensure the effective operation of the teaching calendar.

The University's Timetabling Policy provides guidance for staff on the University's teaching timetable and the provision of facilities to support teaching.

The Admissions Policy underpins the University’s approach to the admission of all students, to both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and aims to provide clear detail on the key principles that guide this approach. This policy also covers the University’s Clearing Policy, Dealing with Applications from Students with Criminal Convictions, Provision of Feedback to Unsuccessful Applicants and the Policy and Procedure on the Widening Participation Policy in the Context of Admissions.

This section also provides the Policy on Operating Tier 4 of the Points Based System for Immigration and the Procedure for Admitting and Monitoring Students within Tier 4 of the Points Based System for Immigration.

This section contains the Policy on Collaborative Provision Leading to Awards or Joint Awards. This policy contains links to useful guidance for staff on drawing up a collaborative agreement as well as a glossary of terms. A Policy and Code of Practice on Flexible and Distributed Student Learning can also be found here.

This section contains the Policy and Procedure on Programme and Module Approval which provides, among other things, timelines for providing details of new courses or major amendments to existing courses to Senate and the Academic Regulations Review Group (ARRG). The Policy and Procedures also provide a useful flowchart of the new course proposal process.

The University’s Disability Policy can be found here. Reference should also be made to the University's Dignity and Respect Policy.

Disability Policy

This section provides outlines the suite of activities to review academic provision and practices, including the Internal Review Framework.

This section provides Guidance on Charging for Course Materials, guidance on the content for departmental/ School handbooks, the Students' Representation Policy and Guidance for students and staff on student maternity, maternity/ paternity support and adoption. The Procedure for the Creation and Amendment of Prizes can also be found here.

Students needing to interrupt their studies may apply to go into voluntary suspension. Find more information about applying for voluntary suspension.