The University of Strathclyde recognises and values the contribution of its staff and is committed, wherever possible, to maintaining continuity of employment. The University will therefore make all reasonable efforts to seek redeployment opportunities for eligible members of staff at risk of redundancy, on notice of redundancy, or those who require to move role for other reasons, so enabling them to continue in the employment of the University.
The policy is designed to ensure that a consistent and fair approach is adopted, in working towards successful redeployment outcomes. The redeployment policy applies to all employees with more than 12 months' continuous service, in all staff categories, on both open-ended and fixed term contracts.
The following documents provide information regarding the redeployment process and the support that you will receive throughout the time that your details are live on the Redeployment Register:
In order to join the Redeployment Register, please complete the redeployment registration form (access via SharePoint, for current staff only). Note that you will be asked to create an account within the University's recruitment system, using a personal email address (or to log in to your personal account, if you already have one).
All applicants (whether external, internal or redeployee) must register using a personal email address. This is to avoid the possibility of vacancy-related correspondence dropping into an @strath inbox at an inopportune moment (for example, during a presentation or when being shadowed by a colleague). Once your details have been submitted, they will be retained for subsequent applications (note that a data retention policy applies: personal information is stored for 18 months following most recent activity).
The University will actively consider your application, for any vacancies for which you apply which would be considered a suitable alternative to your substantive post.
Vacancies within the University that meet the redeployment criteria will be advertised initially for a period of one week, to those on the redeployment register. This will take place prior to advertising the vacancy to the wider University population or externally. In order to maximise the redeployment opportunities available to you, it is advisable to check the University's redeployment job search page on a regular basis (the link will be emailed to current redeployees when new posts are advertised). It is your responsibility to do this, including during periods when you are on holiday or away from the University. (Note that details of all other vacancies currently being advertised can also be accessed from the University website.)
On a weekly basis, details of vacancies will be sent out to staff listed on the Redeployment Register. This information will be sent to the email address that you used to create an account when applying to the Redeployment Register.
Should you have any queries regarding redeployment, please contact HR Redeployment Support by emailing