Sometimes the course you have embarked on isn't what you expected. What are your options?
Careers ServiceManaging job offers
You can receive a job offer but are still in the recruitment process for another role you would prefer. This can be quite stressful.
This article from The Prepary explains the steps to take if you find yourself in this situation. Individual circumstances can vary. You may also want to meet with your Careers Consultant to discuss your options.
Congratulations! You're in the enviable position of having more than one job to choose from. The reasons for choosing one job over another are very personal. These articles from the balance careers and the muse will give you some ideas of what you might consider.
Sometimes after you accept an offer you might change your mind. Balance Careers has some useful advice about how to handle this.
Many employers will expect you to negotiate your salary as part of the recruitment process. This article from Milkround will help you to figure out if you're in a situation where you can negotiate salary.
This how to negotiate you salary article from Glassdoor also offers a useful summary.