Careers ServiceAdvertising vacancies

Can I advertise vacancies with the University?

Strathclyde can advertise your vacancies in several categories. Advertising with us is free of charge.

Register with our CareerHub vacancy portal. Note: employers previously registered with the Prospects vacancy portal should now re-register with CareerHub to post vacancies.

Graduate Vacancies

Graduate vacancies are jobs that need candidates with degree-level education. These include:

  • permanent or fixed term opportunities, with either full-time or part-time hours
  • fixed term graduate internships
  • immediate start date or a summer/autumn start
  • UK based or overseas

Work experience

Advertise work experience opportunities for students. These can include internships, placements, gap years, voluntary opportunities

Part-time and casual vacation jobs for students in the Greater Glasgow area are now advertised by StrathUnion JobShop.

Advertise with other Scottish universities

You can also promote your vacancy free of charge to all other Scottish University Careers Services.

Employing International students

From July 1st 2021 the Graduate Route allows international graduates to stay in the UK for up to two years. Or three if they have a PhD. It allows them to work or look for work. The work is not subject to a minimum skill level or salary threshold. This means that it is now much easier for employers to hire international graduates.

Employer Guide to Recruiting International Graduates will tell you everything you need to know and includes useful sources of information and support.