Careers ServiceWorking together

The Careers Service's objectives are closely aligned to the University's excellence agenda. Its staff and activities make a significant contribution to the University's aim to be 'the place of useful learning where the best work and study'.

University's employability statement

The Strathclyde graduate will be recognised as deeply knowledgeable and adaptable, demonstrating the skills, attributes and confidence to thrive in an evolving, often challenging world. To meet the needs of all professions and career pathways, this will be achieved through the design of our curricula and the provision of opportunities for all students to engage in work related activities, entrepreneurial events and programmes and globally conscious initiatives throughout their studies.

How we can help you

Your support is essential in helping the Careers Service deliver the best possible service to students. We welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively within your department and are always pleased to discuss your needs and ideas.

The Careers Service helps university staff by:

  • Supporting career and employability skills within the curriculum by providing expertise in relation to skills development, work based learning, career planning and graduate opportunities. This can include providing talks in your department/school.
  • Providing data on student career readiness, Careers Service student engagement and context around Graduate Outcomes destination data.
  • Working closely with Employers.
  • Providing an informed view of the graduate labour market and its requirements.
  • Regularly updating departments on Careers Service events including seminars and workshops, fairs and employer presentations.
  • Providing advice re advertising student internships/placements in departments/schools to students.

You can help the Careers Service and your students by:

  • Nominating a member of staff to act as the Careers liaison contact with the Faculty Careers and Employability Consultant.
  • Promoting careers input as an integral part of the timetable.
  • Regularly promoting the Careers Service resources and activities to students.
  • Following our social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram.