Job profile
Typical job profile:
- Statistician (Prospects)
Useful online resources
- Career Guide for Economists pdf available to download, updated annually
- Control Risk Groups Specialist international business risk consultancy
- Economic Development Association Scotland (EDAS)
- Government Economic Service
- Institute for Fiscal Studies
- International Consulting Economists' Association Links to information sources & work opportunities
- Scottish Financial Enterprise
- Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry PSI
Job sites & specialist recruiters
- Bank of England Careers
- Economist Jobs
- EconJobMarket
- Inomics jobs
- ODI Fellowship Scheme - for graduates of MSc and PhD courses
- Maths Careers
- London Mathematical Society
- NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme
- Civil Service job search for Economist roles at the Office for National Statistics
- Statsjobs
- Statistician Jobs in Europe
- W4MP
- AllStat email discussion list with job postings