Careers ServiceI want to work in library and information management

Sector overview

Visit the Library and Information Association site to get an overview of the job roles within the library and information management sector.

Job profiles

Find out the typical job profiles of:

Useful online resources

Careers in archives and records management (Archives & Records Association)

British & Irish Association of Law Librarians Working in the Legal Sector

Careers in health informatics in the NHS

Scottish Library & Information Council 

A career in indexing (Society of Indexers)

Meet our members (CILIPS blog)

Job sites and specialist recruiters

Information Professional Jobs

ISD Scotland (Information Services Directorate of NHS Scotland)

Glen Recruitment

Sue Hill - Recruitment consultancy specialising in Information and Library posts

TFPL - Recruitment, training and consultancy services for the knowledge and information management, records management and research sectors 

BIALL jobs board advertises jobs in academic institutions

Public and third sector jobs (My Job Scotland)

Local government jobs

International job sites: