Typical job profiles
- Charity Officer (Prospects)
- Housing Manager (Prospects)
- International Aid/Development Worker (Prospects)
- Policy Officer (Prospects)
- Public Affairs Consultant (Prospects)
- Youth Worker
Useful online resources
- Bright Network
- Challenges facing the third sector - Prospects
- How to get a job in the Third Sector - article from The Guardian
- National Housing Federation
- National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
- Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) - policy & research
- Third Force News (TFN)
- Working with the homeless - TARGETjobs
Think Tanks
Think Tanks are organisations that explore and research issues. These issues include social, public, and economic policy. It can also include reform, social justice, democracy, and the environment. Most are independent but some are government funded and/or linked to a political party.
- Working in the Think Tank sector - a recording of a session hosted by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research
- Resolution Foundation
- Smart Thinking - careers resources, including blogs and interviews, for those wanting to work in think tanks or policy
- Policy Exchange - the UK's leading Think Tank
Job sites and specialist recruiters
- Amnesty International
- Charity Careers Scotland
- CharityJob
- Friends of the Earth
- GoodMoves
- Guardian Jobs
- Inside Housing
- Jobsgopublic
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
- Prince's Trust
- Shelter Scotland
- Stonewall
- The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
- ThirdSector
- VisionOne - research in sectors such as the charity sector; includes a jobs page
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)