Careers ServiceI want to work in teaching in schools - Scotland

Sector overview

Typical job profiles

Useful online resources

Applying for teacher training (PGDE)

Target Jobs Training to teach in Scotland

University of Strathclyde Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) 

Teach in Scotland Teacher Training Application Checklist 

PGDE courses in the West of Scotland

Glasgow University Postgraduate study - find a programme ("provides support for, and emphasis on, the initial teacher education of those who intend to teach in Catholic schools")

The Strathclyde Institute of Education

University of the West of Scotland Postgraduate course search

Your application

UCAS - applications for postgraduate teacher training are via UCAS.  For initial teacher training in Scotland, you must select undergraduate study to apply through UCAS online.

General Teaching Council Scotland Memorandum on Entry Requirements to initial teacher training in Scotland  - Please note that these are the minimum entry requirements asked for and that the entry requirements may be higher for more popular courses

UCAS Train to Teach in Scotland and Wales explore your options, how to apply, fees and funding

Examples of personal statements for PGDE produced by Aberdeen University Careers Service

To upgrade English or Mathematics qualifications to the Scottish government requirements: 

Job sites and specialist recruiters

MyJobScotland - Scottish job site for the public and third sector

Scottish Schools Directory from Parentzone

EIS Advice on finding your first teaching job including tips on applications and interviews

Professional bodies

General Teaching Council for Scotland

Professional bodies

General Teaching Council for Scotland