Careers ServiceBuild your skills & experience

Everyone possesses a range of skills. It's important to be aware of the skills you have, as well as the level of any particular skill you have. Remember you can have a skill at a basic level and improve that skill level to an advanced level.

Employers & jobs

Job adverts will normally include a person specification section where the employer states details of the skills/competencies required for the job. Tailor your application by providing evidence of what the employer is looking for in the skills and experience section of your CV/application form. 

How to develop, or improve, your skills

There are lots of opportunities to develop or improve your skills. You can do this through:

  • your course
  • work experience (part-time jobs, vacation work, volunteering, internships, insight events)
  • extracurricular activities i.e. involvement in clubs, hobbies or sports

Learn more about how student employability is supported at Strathclyde.


IT, data, digital marketing & finance skills

There are many opportunities to develop IT/Data/Digital Marketing/Finance skills using free platforms:

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

MOOCs offer free options to develop additional skills which you might need for your future career:


You can build your skills and add to your CV by taking part in competitions. Here are a few ideas:

Develop your skills using Careers Service resources

Useful links: