What general health support is available?
General health support is available from the Disability & Wellbeing Service. This is a confidential service available to all students at the University who we work with to enable them to access appropriate services. All students should register with a general practitioner (GP) in relation to the postcode area of their term-time address.
Students coming to the University of Strathclyde for the first time, including overseas and mature students up to the age of 25, should contact their healthcare professional and ensure they are up to date on their vaccinations, including MMR and MenACWY before arrival. Further information can be found at Vaccines for students | NHS inform.
The Health & Wellbeing Adviser can assist in promoting positive health and wellbeing by providing advice and information on looking after your health. We provide support with health-related issues, assistance to access other professionals and advice on a range of health issues, minor illness and common ailments.
If you require emergency assistance or First Aid, telephone Security Control on the Emergency Number 2222 (+44 (0)141 548 2222). University Security Staff are available 24 Hours a day, are qualified to administer First Aid and will take appropriate action.