Learning & DevelopmentDevelopment tools

For leaders, individuals and teams

At the heart of developing your leadership approach is self-awareness.

In OSDU we have a number of qualified practitioners who can administer the following psychometric tools.

These tools can be used individually on a 1:1 basis, as part of one of our leadership development programmes and some can be used as part of team development.

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Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery is our transformational experience for learners all over the world. It brings psychology to life in an accessible, practical model that shows people how understanding themselves better can make a positive difference in the workplace and beyond. The best thing about Insights Discovery is that it shows us how we prefer to act - or the space we’re most comfortable in – but it reminds us that personality is fluid; every individual can draw on their less inclined behaviours to handle the demands of specific situations. But they can only do this when they’re self-aware.

Your Insights learning journey start with Insights Discovery and self-awareness – it’s the foundation on which all other human skills are built. Based on four colours, Insights Discovery helps individuals learn more about their preferred behaviours, the strengths they bring and the challenges they’re likely to face.

Get in touch with janet.m.milne@strath.ac.uk for more information.

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MBTI Step I is a powerful, versatile personality type assessment that provides the foundations for a deep understanding of personal motivations and group interactions. It can be applied to multiple personal and business issues, and revisited over time as new challenges arise. By providing multiple quality-assured insights with a single questionnaire, the MBTI assessment's scalability and relevance to all organisational levels delivers a high return on investment.

MBTI Step II is a Myers-Briggs questionnaire that hits at the heart of who someone is by tapping into the facets within each Step I Type preference. It can help you to understand the DNA of an individual’s personality, revealing what makes them different to others of the same Step I Type, and similar to those with a different MBTI Type. The result is a highly personalised profile and development plan that is perfect for coaching, action planning and building cohesive teams.


Transform great potential into great performance. Being your best self means playing to your strengths at work and everywhere else. Discover your strengths and learn how to use them to thrive with CliftonStrengths 34.

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Great teams start with Belbin! Belbin Team Roles is the language of teams, enabling individuals to be able to project and talk about their behavioural strengths in a productive, safe and non-confrontational way.

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Compass360 Feedback Ltd provides the University with a secure, online service that enables us to use 360 degree feedback, based on the Strathclyde Framework for Effective Leadership Behaviours, to support individual leaders and teams. The 360 degree Feedback Reports help leaders discover how others perceive their behaviour. This enhanced insight and self-awareness enables users to set direction for performance improvement activity. Compass360 will collect and collate behavioural data, from a number of colleagues and peers, to produce easy-to-use Feedback Reports.

*Completing a 360 assessment is the next step after completing the Strathclyde Leadership Self-Assessment Tool in the Hub.


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Hogan Core

The Hogan Core Assessments are a suite of 3 reports:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory
  • Hogan Development Survey
  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory

Hogan Personality Invetory (HPI) describes how individuals manage stress, interact with others, approach work tasks and solve problems. Hogan Development Survey (HDS) describes behaviours that emerge during times of stress. Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) describes an individual’s core values – the goals and interests that determine satisfaction and drive careers.

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The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) methodology is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance.

OSDU has 5 trained facilitators in LSP methods and materials that enable the use of Lego® bricks to promote innovative approaches to learning, problem-solving and decision-making. The methodology can involve thinking, building, storytelling and reflection, and can enable communication and dialogue so that everyone in a group or team is given a voice.