It is completely up to you who you want to report an incident to.
If you have experienced gender-based violence, you have options about who you feel most comfortable reporting it to.
If you do not want to report it to anyone, you do not have to. It is your decision.
You may not want to report it immediately, but you can report it in the future if you change your mind.
If you want to discuss in confidence whether you want to report an incident, see our section on Organisations dealing with gender-based violence.
If it is an emergency, phone 999.
If you're not in immediate harm, phone 101.
If you're deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired, you can use Text Relay on 18001101.
If you use British Sign Language, you can find information about their Video Relay online.
If you want to contact them online, you can do so through their Online Reporting Form.
If you want to report in person, you can find your local police startion.
If you want to write to them via post, you can do so at this address:
PO BOX 2460
G40 9BA
The University
If it is an emergency, phone Security on 0141 548 2222, or ext. 2222 from a University phone.
If you're not in immediate harm, you can phone Security on 0141 548 3333, or ext. 3333 from a University phone.
You can report an incident through our Report and Support online form. You can do this anonymously if you want.
If you want to report in person, if you're a member of staff and feel comfortable doing so, you can report an incident to:
- your line manager
- Departmental GBV First Responder
- HR
- Chaplaincy
If you want to report in person, if you're a student and feel comfortable doing so, you can report an incident to:
- your course tutor or lecturer
- your Adviser of Studies
- Student Business
- Chaplaincy
Other organisations
If you want to report an incident to the Police anonymously, you can do so through CrimeStoppers.
If you want to discuss an incident in confidence before deciding whether to report it, and to whom, see our section on Organisations dealing with gender-based violence.