Access to electronic resources (eResources)
Access to our electronic resources is restricted to staff and registered students of the University of Strathclyde. Walk-in use is available for some categories of user.
Access restrictions to individual resources are determined by the service providers' licence agreements.
Use of our electronic services is controlled by the authentication required by the specific service provider.
Authentication is either by DS username/password or by University IP address.
DS username/password
The majority of our services require you to authenticate using your University of Strathclyde DS username/password. This is the username/password you get when you register or start working with the University.
Contact us if you have any questions about your DS account.
University IP address
Some of our services are available on campus machines using the University's IP address. These services are also available remotely using your DS username and password.
Temporary staff
Visiting scholars and other temporary staff should contact us for details on how to apply for a DS account.
User terms & conditions
As a member of staff, registered student or temporary member of the University, you have agreed to abide by:
- the University's Information Security Policy;
- the JISC Model Licence, and
- terms of use of the datasets and databases to which the University of Strathclyde Library has subscribed.
Remote access
Remote access is available to almost all the Library's electronic services. In some cases, remote access is available only via our proxy server.
It is important to use the links to electronic resources from SUPrimo or Library webpages, wherever possible.
Contact us if you have any questions about using electronic resources.