LibraryJoin the Library

Who can join the Library?


Strathclyde students do not need to join the Library. Your Strathclyde student ID card is also your Library card.

Your student log-in details give you full access to electronic resources, both on and off campus.

If you're new to Strathclyde you may want to try a self-guided or virtual tour.


All Strathclyde staff are made members of the Library. You can access online resources using your university email address or DS username and password.

Those with a Temporary IT Access or Limited Access DS account will not get full access to online resources.

You can access your Library card by downloading and logging in to StrathApp.

Other memberships

You can join our Library if you are a:

  • student at another university in Glasgow or the west of Scotland
  • postgraduate researcher at the University of Glasgow
  • student or member of staff at an institution that is a member of the SCONUL scheme
  • retired member of the University of Strathclyde staff
  • University of Strathclyde graduate
  • graduate of another university
  • corporate client
  • visitor

Memberships details

Who  Membership card requiredFree of chargeElectronic resources accessBorrowing rights
Current University of Strathclyde students No - use the Library card in StrathApp Yes Full Yes
Current University of Strathclyde staff No - use the Library card in StrathApp. Yes Full  Yes
Temporary IT Access or Limited Access DS account holders  Yes Yes Limited Yes
Current students and staff of other local universities No Yes None No
Postgraduate researchers at the University of Glasgow No Yes Walk-in access.

Students and staff of the following institutions are eligible:

  • Glasgow University
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
  • Glasgow School of Art
  • University of the West of Scotland
Postgraduate researchers at the University of Glasgow can apply for borrowing rights on production of a current matriculation card and a letter of introduction from the Head of Lending Services, Glasgow University Library.
Graduates of the University of Strathclyde Yes No Walk-in access. Yes
Retired member of the University of Strathclyde staff  Yes Yes None Yes
Current student/staff of SCONUL member institution  Yes Yes Walk-in access. Yes
Current students & staff of SCONUL member institution (during vacations) No Yes None No
Graduate of any other university Yes No Walk-in access. Yes 
Visitor If you do not qualify for membership of the Library or walk-in user access to electronic resources, you can apply for a visitor's pass. A visitor's pass gives temporary reference access to the print collection. Please fill in a visitor access form and wait until you receive a reply from us before visiting. Yes None No
Centre for Lifelong Learning student on a credit-bearing course Yes Yes Walk-in access. Yes

Apply for Membership

Membership typeCost per year (inc VAT)
How to apply
Graduates and Diplomates of the University of Strathclyde and the former Jordanhill College £30

You can join and pay online. Graduate access does not give you full access to all of our electronic resources.

Contact us if you are unable to pay online, or if you wish to discuss access to electronic resources.

Graduates of other universities  £45

You can join and pay online. Graduate access does not give you full access to all of our electronic resources.

Get in touch with us before joining if you are unable to pay online, or if you wish to discuss access to electronic resources.