EndNote is a tool to search online bibliographic databases and to retrieve the references directly into Endnote. Endnote is also a reference and image database for searching for bibliographic references in your private reference library.
Is this software right for me?
This software can be used by staff or students, on university or personal computers, whether that is a laptop or desktop, both on and off campus.
What does this software do?
Endnote is used to store references, so that they can be used in essays to create footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies.
Can you explain in more detail?
Endnote is compatible with Microsoft Word, and RTF files created in most word processors including OpenOffice, StarOffice and FrameMaker
Although Endnote has a facility for connecting to bibliographic databases, this route is not recommended. The connection details can change, and full search functionality is not available. Access to bibliographic databases should always be via the University Library's Electronic Services. References can be downloaded into Endnote from within these services.
How do I get it?
Available for download via Pegasus.
Available for download via Pegasus.
EndNote Web is also available.
Computer labs
EndNote is available on the virtual desktop.
Endnote 21 - How to install on Windows
When downloading this software, an automated email will be sent to your university email account. Please read this email as it contains information and instructions.
If you have any problems downloading or installing this software, please contact help@strath.ac.uk
JISC, our supplier of Endnote, have a huge amount of information available, including overviews, demos, questions, and lots of good information on the Endnote support pages.
If you want older versions of this software, other versions are available on the Available Licensed Software page on Pegasus.
Free to download to personal and University owned PC/Laptop.
Free to download to personal and University owned PC/Laptop.
Minimum operating system:
- Microsoft Windows 10
Minimum hardware:
- CPU: 450MHz
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Free drive space: 400 MB
Type: Site Licenced
End date: Renewed annually
Licence details
Use by any staff or student for the purpose of teaching, research, personal educational development, administration and management of University business on either a personal or University owned device.
Staff and students are not permitted to download, copy or run Endnote for non-business purposes.
Please note: at the end of your studies or your employment with the University, you will no longer be entitled to run this software via the Endnote campus licence.
You must either uninstall the software package immediately or purchase a single user licence.