Software download Endnote Web

EndNote Web is a Web-based bibliographic service for students and researchers that organises personal reference collections and saves time retyping references for course work and publication.

Although Endnote has a facility for connecting to bibliographic databases, this route is not recommended. The connection details can change, and full search functionality is not available. Access to bibliographic databases should always be via the University Library's Electronic Services web page.

References can be downloaded into Endnote from within.

With EndNote Web you can:

  • Import references from hundreds of online bibliographic databases and organize a library of references in any language with Unicode
  • Store up to 10,000 references per EndNote Web account
  • Edit references, add notes, keywords, modify any field
  • Use over 2,300 publishing styles to format in-text citations and bibliographies
  • Cite While You Write" in Microsoft Word (requires plug-in) to insert references and format papers instantly
  • Format papers in other word processors using RTF (rich text format) files
  • Easily transfer references to and from EndNote X (export/import to previous versions)
  • Simplify collaboration with colleagues - share EndNote Web folders
  • Use EndNote Web toolbars in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla® to access your reference library in one click, and capture citation data easily (requires plug-in)

How do I get it?


Free to register. Start using EndNote Web.


Free to register. Start using EndNote Web.

Computer labs

EndNote is available on the virtual desktop.


A lot of useful information can be found on the University's Endnote Web FAQ page.

More information can be found on the JISC web site.


Free to use.


Free to use.

Minimum browser requirements:

  • Microsoft IE 7.x-9.x
  • Firefox 3.5.x-4.0.x
  • Safari 4.x, 5.0

Minimum Windows plug-in requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later / Vista/ Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • Microsoft Word 2003 / 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x-9.x set as the default Web browser
  • Firefox Browser 3.5.x-4.0 for Windows set as the default Web browser

Type: Site licence
End date: Renewed annually
Personal licence: Not Available

Licence details

View EndNote licence terms.


Use by any staff or student for the purpose of teaching, research, personal educational development, administration and management of University business.

Off-site usage of the software is allowed by staff and students whether on University or personally owned equipment, subject to conditions set out by JISC.

Try the Adept Science website.

EndNote Web's intuitive interface gets users up to speed quickly. An online Getting Started Guide comes with the program, including online tutorials with 24/7 access to assist users getting started. For more information, please go to EndNote Website or view the EndNote Web Guided Tour in the Help Section.


Desktop EndNote users will find EndNote Web a great way to collaborate, maximizing the expertise each researcher brings to a project. Using EndNote Web, researchers can share specific folders with designated colleagues or students. A shared folder can be viewed by others with an EndNote Web account. EndNote Web on the desktop remains the powerhouse favored by researchers who publish frequently, write citation-intensive works and require the performance available only from a desktop tool.

The addition of EndNote Web helps undergraduate students organize their references for citing in papers. EndNote Web users can select EndNote X or EndNote Web, for citing references in a paper. Cite While You Write works the same whether you are citing references from your desktop or Web library.

For the professional researcher and graduate student who depend on EndNote and other desktop writing tools, EndNote Web is the perfect complement for storing references. Now the millions of EndNote users who demand a robust desktop writing tool with a higher degree of accessibility and control can be even more productive using the combination of EndNote X and EndNote Web.

To start using your new EndNote Web account, you must first export your library from WriteNote, create a new account in EndNote Web, and import your library into the new account. Below are the steps needed to complete this process.

Exporting your WriteNote library

  1. Got to and login.
  2. Go to a folder containing references and click the Check Page button to automatically check all references on a page.
  3. From the Save or Copy... drop-down list box, select Copy To Export List.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 2 for all pages and folders until your export list is complete.
  5. Click the Export link in the left navigation pane.
  6. Select RefMan (RIS) Export from the Select Bibliography Output Style drop-down list box.
  7. Select the TXT (plain text file) from the Export Format drop-down list box.
  8. Click the Continue button.
  9. Click the Save To& on the preview page and save the file locally.

Uninstalling WriteNote Plug-ins

  1. Close all open programs, including Microsoft® Word, Internet Explorer, and Outlook.
  2. Click the Windows Start button.
  3. Select the Programs menu.
  4. Select the WriteNote menu.
  5. Then select Uninstall.
  6. Continue with the Uninstall process until complete.
  7. Upon completion, restart your computer if prompted.
  8. To uninstall the toolbar for Mozilla, open Mozilla and click the Uninstall button in the toolbar.

Registering a new account in EndNote Web

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Sign Up for an account link.
  3. Complete the registration fields and click the I Accept button if you accept the End User License Agreement.
  4. Follow the instructions provided to install the plug-ins, or click the return to my library link to go to your new library.

Importing your library into EndNote Web

  1. Click the Import link in the upper left navigation pane.
  2. Click the Browse button in Step 1.
  3. Navigate and select the export file and then click the Open button.
  4. Select RefMan RIS in Step 2.
  5. Click the Import button.