LibraryPostal loans for distance learners

We will post books to registered students and staff who are in priority groups and live in the UK.

The service is available to registered students and staff who live in the UK and are:

  • distance learners
  • undertaking placements
  • carers, or
  • have additional support needs

Items from the Short Loan Collection are excluded from this service. Use SUPrimo to find details of the items you'd like, then send your request to us using our postal loan request form. We will reply to you within five working days.

If an item you request is on loan we will recall it and send it to you as soon as possible. If we recall an item you have on loan, you must return it to us immediately. Fines will be charged for the late return of items that have been requested by other customers.

We will pay to post the item(s) to you, and you can use our Freepost service to return the item to us.

We also reserve the right to refuse the loan if, for example, you have reached your borrowing entitlement or the item is too fragile or expensive to post.

Personal scan service

Our personal scan service is also available to registered staff and students in the priority groups listed above.

You can request scans of book extracts or journal extracts, which will be emailed to you.

Copyright restrictions limit the length of the extracts we can supply. Typically, we are restricted to:

  • one chapter or 10% of a book
  • a single article from a journal issue

but in some cases, the amount we can supply may be significantly less.

Use SUPrimo to find details of the items you'd like, then send your request to us using our online request form. We will reply to you within five working days.

We will not normally supply scanned copies of material available online.