LibraryRequest new Library books & other resources

The Library has a collection development policy. Please contact the library if you would like to buy books or resources to be held in the Library. You should not buy books for the Library yourself and then seek reimbursement.

Suggest new books & other non-subscription resources

You can submit a suggestion for books and other library resources using our online book suggestion form.

Once submitted, we will discuss your suggestion with the departmental Library Representative or Faculty Librarians.

When submitting suggestions, please remember to:

  • check SUPrimo before submission; if the book is in stock, please tell us if you need more copies
  • include as much bibliographical information as possible, such as:
    • author/s or editor/s
    • title
    • edition (if not first edition)
    • publisher
    • year of publication
    • price, and 
    • ISBN
  • for reading list items, please include any associated class codes, together with student numbers and an indication of whether the text is core, additional or further reading
  • attach or provide a link to any advertising literature for the suggested book; this is particularly important for special prices, sale and remainder offers

If you wish to discuss general issues of collection development to support your teaching and research activities our Faculty Librarians will be pleased to help you.

Please note, the suggestion form works best with Google Chrome or Firefox.

Suggest new subscriptions

Send any suggestions for a new serial title, databases or other recurrent subscription to us by email.

We review subscriptions annually. Please submit any proposals by the end of July in order to be considered for the coming academic year.

You may wish to discuss any proposal with your Library Representative or Head of Department.

Reading lists

Build your reading list using the step by step guide and video tutorials on our homepage. Find out more about the reading list service. You can also request a reading list be built on your behalf by the Reading List team. Send your reading list to the Library as soon as it is ready and preferably no later than 6 weeks before texts are required.

Send your reading lists to

We normally charge resources associated with class reading lists to the relevant departmental library book allocation.

We will assign the resource format, location and number of copies with reference to the relevant Faculty Collection Profile.