Procurement Strategy
The University of Strathclyde is committed to maximising value for money in all of its transactions, and, in conducting its daily business, staff will consider the University’s wider responsibilities in terms of legal, moral, social, economic and environmental impact. Effective procurement will support the University’s Innovation Strategy and Strategic Plan.
The Procurement Strategy sets out the strategic institutional approach to procurement within a challenging economic, legislative and regulatory environment, including support for University policies. The statements within section 5, demonstrate how the University will deliver the requirements of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.
The Action Plan element of the Strategy translates the strategic objectives, into the detailed actions and processes required to maintain a cost-effective University procurement operation. The action plan has been updated to incorporate the actions that have been taken towards fulfilling the objectives of the strategy and action plan.
Procurement Strategy and Action Plan
Procurement Manual
Communication Strategy
The strong commitment of the University of Strathclyde to protect the natural environment and improve the quality of life for everyone on whom it has an impact is emphasised in the University’s Estates Sustainability Strategy, which has a cross-cutting theme applicable to all operational areas. The Sustainability Strategy can be found on Sustainable Strathclyde.
Sustainable Procurement Strategy 2023-2025 at the University of Strathclyde is the responsibility of the Head of Procurement.