Following approval of a nominated Examination Committee, the Committee will be notified. The External Examiner will be asked to formally accept the role.
The Student Business team will arrange for the candidate’s dissertation or thesis to be sent to the Examiners electronically. Should either Examiner need a physical soft-bound copy, the student will be notified.
It's expected that a period of 6 weeks is adequate for reading and examining a dissertation/thesis. This includes the oral examination of the candidate. It's understood that this timeline may not always be suitable. In such cases, the External Examiner is asked to liaise with the Examination Committee Convener to agree on a suitable timeline.
The appropriate degree examination report form will be provided to the Examination Committee with the thesis for examination for completion. It must be signed by all members of the Examining Committee.
If a viva is required, all signatures can be obtained at the time of the Viva. The outcome of the Viva is recorded by the Convener via the PGR Examination Process Sharepoint System. A copy of the signed report is then uploaded.
If no viva is required, the External Examiner should sign their section of the form. They should return it to the Convenor via the PGR Examination Process Sharepoint System.