Digital Health & Wellness Research Group (DHaWG)Our research areas

Current research projects:

ADLIFE (H2020 SC1): Integrated personalized care for patients with advanced chronic diseases to improve health and quality of life (funded by Horizon 2020).

PURE: ADLIFE (H2020 SC1): Integrated personalized care for patients with advanced chronic diseases to improve health and quality of life — University of Strathclyde.

For more information on this project, please contact Prof. Roma Maguire: or Dr Lisa McCann:

AICE: AI supported picture analysis in large bowel camera capsule endoscopy (funded by EU Horizon).

Please refer to this link for further information on this project.

Connected Symptom Management for Patients & Carers: Innovative, integrated & connected end-of-life (previously funded by Charitable Funder).

Developing PROMS-based remote monitoring solution to support patients, carers and health professionals at end of life.


For more information on this project, please contact Prof. Roma Maguire:

Exploring Public Perception of 3D Displays for Virtual Clinical-Patient Consultations (funded by EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA))

Please visit our case studies page for more information or contact Dr. Marilyn Lennon:

iSupport (funded by NIHR)

The project aimed to develop and test a digital application to support carers of people with dementia originally developed by the World Health Organization. For more information about this project, please contact Dr Kieren Egan:

PURE: iSupport: a WHO global online intervention for informal caregivers of people with dementia — University of Strathclyde

iSupport CareFit (funded by NIHR)

The project aimed to develop and test a digital application to support carers of people with dementia to undertake regular physical activity.

Visit our case studies page for more information about this project or contact Dr Kieren Egan:

MYCONNECTION-FRIEND (funded by the Alzheimer’s Society)

The project aimed to develop a digital application which will help people with dementia manage social isolation and feelings of loneliness, and improve health and wellbeing. For more information about this project, please contact Dr Kieren Egan:


PURE: MY-CONNECTION FRIEND2, A multi-national project to empower people with dementia who live alone to increase community involvement through the development of an easy to use digital application Alzheimer's Society Exchange Fellowship — University of Strathclyde

SIPA2: Improving the pharmaceutical care of older people with sensory impairment (funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust).

Visit for more information or contact Dr. Marilyn Lennon:

Social Innovation Programme for Health and Wellbeing (funded by NHS Lanarkshire)

Virtual Clinical Trial Emulation with Generative AI Models (funded by MRC)

This project aims at a robust, fast paced proof-of-concept to unlock the potential of AI in biomedical and health research. It will apply the newly emerging generative AI technology to transform biomedical and health research by enabling virtual clinical trial emulation with synthetic data.

For more information about this project, please contact Prof Feng Dong:

PURE: Virtual Clinical Trial Emulation with Generative AI Models — University of Strathclyde

Future-proofing Data Analytics for Telecare Services (funded by DHI, Tunstall and GHSCP)

The aim of this Knowledge Exchange project is to explore how current telecare service data is currently collected and managed and to develop recommendations for improving this to enable more predictive and personalised telecare using data analytics.

For more information on this project, please contact Prof. Roma Maguire:


Using co-creation methods to conduct usability tests and inform future development of an app to support deaf young people’s transitional care experiences: The ‘Hear Me Out’ project

This project aims to work with young people who are deaf and their families to develop a mobile app designed specifically to support the transition from paediatric to adult audiology services by empowering self-care and well-being choices.

For more information about the project, please contact Dr Lisa McCann:

Stakeholder engagement activities to inform an intervention to support people released from prison achieve good health and social outcomes

This project aims to engage with various stakeholders within the context of the justice system to understand the landscape of possibilities for developing and deploying digital interventions to help support the health and social care outcomes of justice-experienced people.

For more information, please contact Dr Lisa McCann: