ResearchResearch Integrity

Strathclyde pursues excellence in research and as such is committed to the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.  This commitment is demonstrated through our Research Code of Practice and is supported by guidance and training to foster a culture of academic excellence. 

This page provides information, support and guidance to define and promote research integrity, including details of our process for dealing with allegations of research misconduct.

Training and resources

University of Strathclyde provides online and face-to-face training that explains research integrity and misconduct in greater detail.

Training for postgraduate research students

Training for staff

UK Research Integrity Office resources

The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) is an independent advisory body, offering support to the public, researchers, and organisations to further good practice in research. A registered charity, it was created in response to longstanding and growing concerns about the reliability of research.

UKRIO is the UK’s most experienced research integrity organisation. Since 2006, it has provided independent and expert support across all disciplines of research, from the arts and humanities to the life sciences. It works to enhance good research practice, address mistakes, questionable practices and fraud, and improve the culture and systems of UK research.

UKRIO can offer researchers:

Education – guidance and support through publications on research practice, training activities and a comprehensive events programme.

Sharing best practice – clear and honest development for the research community through facilitated discussions about key issues, informing national and international initiatives, and working to improve research culture.

Expert guidance – confidential and expert advice and guidance, as a proactive service for both institutions and individual researchers, as well as in response to requests for assistance.