Adaptation of Industry 4.0 Model to the Naval Sector (INTEREG – Atlantic Area)
IN 4.0 aims to improve the competitiveness of naval sector companies through the adaptation of the traditional productive model towards the Industry 4.0 model, guaranteeing the sector’s continuity in an increasingly demanding market where technological innovation is a key factor of strategic positioning.
MSRC addresses the new and emerging technologies of In 4.0 for improving the safety and cost effectiveness of the naval sector.
- Kick-off is September 2017 with a duration 36 months
About IN 4.0
A. General description
IN 4.0 is aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the companies in the naval sector through their adaptation to the production model of the industry 4.0, granting in this way the sector participation in an increasingly demanding market, where innovation is a key factor for their strategic positioning.
For this purpose, several actions will be carried out: a diagnosis of the main barriers the sector faces in the process of adapting its business model, the determination of the level of maturity of the existing technologies likely to be implemented in SMEs, the definition of the work organization systems, the training of the staff of the sector to move towards IN 4.0, the design of innovative strategies to reduce costs in the application of technology, the identification of new marketing methods, and the implementation of the innovations designed in IN 4.0 in the selected SMEs of the regions involved.
B. Area of intervention
The programme INTERREG Atlantic Area covers the western part of Europe, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It includes 37 regions in five countries: the western part of the United Kingdom, the north and the south westernmost part of Spain, western France, Ireland and Portugal. The partner organizations which participate in the project are from the five countries already mentioned.
C. Objectives
Specific objectives
- To make a diagnosis of the main problems or the already identified barriers the sector faces in the process of adapting their business into a 4.0 model, and to offer solutions
- To determine the level of maturity of the existing technologies likely to be implemented in SMEs of the sector
- To transform the organization systems of work, knowledge and commercialization towards a 4.0 industry
- To provide training to the staff of the naval sector for new jobs and tasks towards a 4.0 model
- To devise innovative strategies to reduce costs in the implementation of technology and in the identification of new marketing methods
- To implement the innovations designed within the framework of the project in the selected SMEs of the regions involved
D. Working plan
The project includes four main activities:
- In context: this is the starting point towards the adaptation to a new production model based on the existing state of the art, detecting innovations applicable to the 4.0 technologies which are relevant for the naval sector
- In work and in training: protocol for the redefinition of tasks performed by workers and qualification of the staff of the sector
- In commercialisation and costs: reduction in the costs of the implementation of technologies and new commercialization methods
- In adaptation: guidance for the transformation of naval companies into intelligent companies