Research data management & sharingData deposit

The decisions governing where and when to deposit a dataset vary depending on a number of factors. Typically deposit provides mechanisms for managing the access to and preservation of completed project data, data supporting a research publication or thesis.

Pure is the data repository for research undertaken at University of Strathclyde. However there may be circumstances where deposit with an external repository is a more appropriate option.  

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Deposit in Pure

Depositing in Pure will ensure that data complies with funder open access requirements and are professionally curated in the long-term. 

Depositing in Pure is a straightforward single sign-on self-deposit process involving the following steps:

  • Log on to Pure
  • Select the “Datasets” option from the left-hand menu and click on the “+ Add content” option to open a new dataset record template
  • Complete all relevant metadata fields in the template following our guidance in Describing your dataset in Pure .
  • Upload all relevant data files from a networked university computer and set the required visibility, licence and type options. See Uploading datasets to Pure for guidance
  • Set the status of the record to ‘for validation’ and save the record using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the record

The record will be reviewed by a support officer and, if it complies with minimum metadata requirements, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be minted and the record validated. The record and data will then be made available in the Data Sets section of the Knowledgebase portal, subject to any applied embargo or access restrictions.

Further guidance on the joint steps required to publish both research publications and data can be found in the LibGuide: Integrated Workflow for Publications and Datasets

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Does data have to be Open Access?

In most cases, the default setting for deposited data is open access. However, there are circumstances where access to data can be restricted either permanently or for a limited embargo period.

Common circumstances for restriction include:

  • Data Protection
  • Ethical approval
  • Commercial constraints
  • Sensitive content
  • Moratorium on thesis data
  • Period of exclusivity for data creators

Pure offers a range of data visibility and access options to support your data and research requirements, contact the RDMS team for further advice.

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External Data Deposit

Research data produced at University of Strathclyde should be offered for deposit in PURE unless circumstances determine that a more appropriate repository is chosen, these include:


  • The funder of the research mandate a specific data repository
  • In joint research projects the data is deposited in the repository of a collaborator
  • A specialist or disciplinary focused repository exists that provides data with greater impact
  • Certain types of data, typically software or code, are better served in a version control repository such as GitHub

The only local requirement for external deposit is that a corresponding dataset record must be created in Pure which references and links to the external repository. Other criteria also apply to the suitability of external repositories. If you are uncertain where to deposit please contact the Research data management & sharing team for further advice.