Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance

Partner Non-governmental organisation

Natural Justice- Lawyers for communities and the environment

Natural Justice – Lawyers for Communities and the Environment is a non-profit organization, registered in South Africa since 2007 with offices in South Africa, India, Malaysia and New York City. Natural Justice’s mission is to facilitate the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in the development and implementation of laws and policies relating to conservation and customary uses of biodiversity and the protection of associated cultural heritage. Natural Justice works at the local, regional, national, and international levels with a range of partners. Among other activities, Natural Justice has been pioneering the use of community protocols to support benefit-sharing in relation to land rights, protected areas, traditional knowledge and ethical sourcing of natural products in different regions, as part of a Global Initiative on Biocultural Community Protocols.

Visit the Natural Justice website and its blog.

Documentation, Research and Action Center of Ikaria

Documentation, Research and Action Center of Ikaria is a non-profit organization, established in 2012 and based in the village of Katafygi, on the Greek island of Ikaria. Among its aims is to bring together locals and researchers from different backgrounds and create the conditions for an equal and respectful exchange among them. It focuses on digitally documenting the unique local culture and inter-generational knowledge, biodiversity and local history of Ikarian society and on enabling local participation in the ‘construction’ of knowledge, including in decision-making processes relevant to developmental plans. It is also working on the development of a community protocol to engage local people in the development and implementation of laws and policies affecting their communal land, natural resources and ways of life, as well as to engage the government in acknowledging and enforcing customary laws and rights related to the use of communal resources.

Follow their blog.

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

FARN is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-partisan organization, founded in 1985 with the main objective of promoting sustainable development in Argentina through politics, law and the institutional organization of society. The beneficiaries of its work are public and private decision makers. Through political, institutional and social advocacy, FARN promotes access to public information, justice and democratic and participatory citizenship. FARN’s work emphasizes civil participation based on the belief that citizens are the ones who must comply with and enforce laws, agree on policies and allocate resources to prevent environmental degradation. The different activities of the organization are funded thanks to the contribution of private donors (individuals, companies, foreign and national foundations), as well as national and international public bodies.