IX Strathclyde Postgradate Colloquium on Environmental Law and Governance
Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 June 2021 [on both days from 1 to 4:30 PM UK time]
University of Strathclyde Law School
This Colloquium provides an opportunity for Post Docs, Ph.D., MPhil and LLM students engaged in research in any area of environmental law and governance to present and discuss their work, or a part of it, in a supportive environment. It also provides an opportunity for students researching environmental law (who may not be presenting) to meet and network with other peers and experts working in this area of law.
The 2021 Colloquium builds on the success of the previous seven colloquia, which saw researchers from a wide range of countries, present their research on topical areas of environmental law and governance. Leading environmental law academics acted as discussants, providing the researchers with insightful comments and feedback. In the 2021 edition, we will again follow this format, albeit online using the online Zoom platform. The Colloquium will be organised over two days at a time chosen to allow PhD researchers from around the world to join us virtually. We will also recreate the friendly atmosphere that has characterised the previous editions of this event.
Accepted presentations will be divided into thematic sessions chaired by a member of the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance. Each presentation will last 15 minutes followed by ample time for debate introduced by comments from the discussant.
- Prof Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law at the University of Eastern Finland
- Prof Bolanle Erinosho, Lecturer, University of Cape Coast, Ghana
- Prof Alana Lancaster, Lecturer, University of the West Indies (Cave Hill), Barbados
- Prof Patrick Vrancken, Research Chair: Law of the Sea and Development in Africa, Nelson Mandela University
View the programme from the event.
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 April 2021. Successful applicants will be informed by 01 May 2021.
Date and Time: Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 June 2021 [on both days from 1 to 4:30 PM UK time]
Venue: Zoom platform of the University of Strathclyde
For further information or questions, please contact the Colloquium organisers at scelg@strath.ac.uk