Updates on the academic outputs of the Marine Benefits project are provided on this page. We welcome suggestions, comments and other feedback.
Marine Policy special issue
A special issue of the international peer-reviewed journal Marine Policy on "SDG Synergies for Sustainable Fisheries and Poverty Alleviation" was published online in 2017 and in print in 2019. The special issue aims to offer a multi-disciplinary, critical and multi-scale analysis of fisheries governance as part of the overarching sustainable development agenda (from local to regional and global levels) carried out by different specialists (academics and practitioners) in international fisheries law and policy, management, science and economics. On the one hand, the special issue will explore the different tenets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 14 through the concepts of ecosystem services and poverty alleviation as elements of the ecosystem approach to fisheries. On the other hand, the special issue will systematically discuss the interactions and tensions between the various tenets of SDG 14 and the other SDGs.
- Daniela Diz and Elisa Morgera, Insights for sustainable small-scale fisheries, in K. Schreckenberg et al (eds), Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation: Trade-offs and Governance (Routledge, 2018) 288-301
- Andrew Kenny, Neil Campbell, Mariano Koen-Alonso, Pierre Pepin and Daniela Diz, 'Delivering Sustainable Fisheries through the Adoption of a Risk-based Framework as Part of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management' (2018) 93 Marine Policy 232-240
- Daniela Diz et al, 'Mainstreaming Marine Biodiversity into the SDGs: The Role of Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (SDG 14.5)' (2018) 93 Marine Policy 251-261
- Mara Ntona and Elisa Morgera, Connecting SDG 14 with the other Sustainable Development Goals through Marine Spatial Planning (2018) 93 Marine Policy 214-222
- Elisa Morgera and Mara Ntona, Linking Small-Scale Fisheries to International Obligations on Marine Technology Transfer (2018) 93 Marine Policy 295-306
- Meriwether Wilson and Catherine Forsyth, Restoring near-shore marine ecosystems to enhance climate security for island ocean states: Aligning international processes and local practices (2018) 93 Marine Policy 284-294