SCELG Contributes to Scottish and International Research on Environmental Crime
SCELG member Antonio Cardesa-Salzmann has contributed to Scottish and international efforts focused on environmental crime, with a focus on wildlife crime and fisheries crime respectively.
Sentencing of environmental and wildlife crimes in Scotland
In April 2018, Antonio together with Donald Campbell, from the Strathclyde Centre for Law, Crime and Justice, were commissioned a literature review on the sentencing of environmental and wildlife crimes by the Scottish Sentencing Council. The resulting report maps environmental and wildlife offences in Scottish law and provides a summary and synthesis of existing academic, legal and statistical work on the sentencing of environmental and wildlife offences. The report will feed into the work of the Scottish Sentencing Council for the adoption of Sentencing Guidelines for Environmental and Wildlife Crimes in Scotland. A first draft was submitted in July 2018 and the final version will be submitted in December 2018.