Tallash Kantai
SCELG PhD Member
Tallash Kantai is a researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance at the University of Strathclyde. Her work, which is funded by the One Ocean Hub, delves into the governance of ocean plastics at the international level, examining the legal regimes involved in addressing plastic waste that ends up in the ocean. Her research considers the notion of mutual effectiveness as a tool that could connect disparate the legal regimes and private sector interests working in this area. This project also assesses options for more cohesive and effective governance strategies to manage the unwieldy challenge posed by (marine) plastic pollution. For over a decade, Tallash has worked with the International Institute for Sustainable Development observing and analysing international environmental negotiations related to the ocean, chemicals management, biodiversity and climate change. She previously worked for the United Nations on REDD+ in Indonesia, and for the Africa Centre for Technology Studies in Kenya.
Tallash’s areas of expertise include:
- Oceans
- Economic Law and Governance
- Land, Food and Agriculture
- Law and Development