- Iyan Offor and Jan Walter,“GATT Article XX(a) Permits Otherwise Trade-Restrictive Animal Welfare Measures”(2017)12(4) Global Trade & Customs Journal 158-166.
- Iyan Offor and Jan Walter,“The Applicability of GATT Article XX(a) to Animal Welfare”(2017)1(1) The UK Journal of Animal Law 10-20.
- Lorenzo Cotula and Thierry Berger, Trends in global land use investment: implications for legal empowerment, (IIED, 2017), http://pubs.iied.org/12606IIED/
- Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger, Adrian Di Giovanni, Mamadou Fall, Mark Kakraba-Ampeh, Samuel Nguiffo, Téodyl Nkuintchua, Eric Yeboah, Improving accountability in agricultural investments: Reflections from legal empowerment initiatives in West Africa, (IIED / IED Afrique / LMRC / CED, 2017) http://pubs.iied.org/12604IIED/
- Lorenzo Cotula with Thierry Berger, Legal Empowerment in Agribusiness Investments, Harnessing Political Economy Analysis, Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND, 2017), https://landportal.info/library/resources/legal-empowerment-agribusiness-investments
- Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger and Philippine Sutz, Addressing ‘Legacy’ Land Issues in Agribusiness Investments, Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND, 2016), https://landportal.info/library/resources/legend-analytical-paper-2/addressing-legacy-land-issues-agribusiness-investments.
- Lorenzo Cotula, Thierry Berger, Rachael Knight, Tom McInerney, Margret Vidar, and Peter Deupmann, Responsible Governance of Tenure and the Law. A guide for lawyers and other legal service providers, (FAO, 2016) http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/27fac10b-126d-48fa-a417-d5c65a120b86/.
- Elisa Morgera and Kati Kulovesi (eds), Research Handbook on Natural Resources and International Law (EE, 2016)
- Elisa Morgera, "Global Environmental Law and the Comparative Legal Method(s)" (2015) 24 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 254-263
- Lorenzo Cotula and Berger, T., 2015, Land deals and investment treaties: Visualising the interface, (IIED, 2015), http://pubs.iied.org/12586IIED/?c=land.
- Thierry Berger and Aladoua Saadou, Obtenir le consentement des populations affectées : l’exemple de Kandadji au Niger, (GWI/IUCN/IIED, 2015) http://pubs.iied.org/G03955.html.
- Thierry Berger and Lorenzo Cotula, L., 2015, A time for change? Comments on Chad’s draft Land Code, (Tearfund / IIED, 2015) http://pubs.iied.org/G03953/.
- Marcos Orellana, Saùl Baños and Thierry Berger, Bringing community perspectives to investor-state arbitration: Experience from civil society submissions in the Pac Rim case, (IIED, 2015), http://pubs.iied.org/12579IIED/?c=law.
- Lorenzo Cotula and Thierry Berger, Agricultural commercialisation contracts: concessions over people?, (IIED, 2014), http://pubs.iied.org/17260IIED/.
- Amel Benkahla, Lorenzo Cotula, and Thierry Berger T, Guide to due diligence of agribusiness projects that affect land and property rights (AFD, 2014) http://www.foncier-developpement.fr/publication/guide-to-due-diligence-of-agribusiness-projects-that-affect-land-and-property-rights/.
- Stephanie Switzer, “European Union Biofuels Policy: Past, Present and Future?” (2015) in McMahon and Cardwell (eds) Research Handbook on EU Agricultural Law (Edward Elgar, 2014) pp 203 – 221.
- Stephanie Switzer and Joseph McMahon, “EU Biofuels Policy – Raising the Question of WTO Compatibility” (2011) 60 (3) International and Comparative Law Quarterly 713 – 736
- Stephanie Switzer, “Biofuels, food security and the WTO Agreement on Agriculture” in McMahon and Desta (eds) Research Handbook on the WTO Agriculture Agreement: New and Emerging Issues in International Agricultural Trade Law (Edward Elgar, 2012) 250-271.