Climate Change Litigation InitiativeSwitzerland

Cordelia C. Bähr

Cordelia C. Bähr ( is a partner of bähr ettwein rechtsanwälte in Zurich. She advises her clients principally in public law, human rights law, and environmental law, and publishes regularly. Her interest in fundamental rights and environmental issues led her to complete an LL.M. degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with a focus on human rights and the environment. Also, as an environmental lawyer at the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Cordelia Bähr assisted with the revision of the CO2 Ordinance.

Ursula Brunner

Ursula Brunner Dr. iur., was an environmental lawyer, researcher, and activist, and has also served on committees reviewing interdisciplinary environmental research. She was a founding partner of ettlersuter Rechtsanwälte in Zurich, Switzerland. In her legal practice, she represented private and public interest clients, provided counsel to public administrators, and published regularly. She was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Zurich for her contributions to environmental law and policy in 2008. Ursula Brunner passed away on July 17, 2019, after a short, serious illness.