C2LI is led by SCELG in collaboration with the University of Geneva Faculty of Law and the Asia and Pacific Centre for Environmental Law at the National University of Singapore. It builds on the efforts leading to the forthcoming book published by Springer “Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects”.
C2LI is not a database of climate cases. It is also not an initiative for climate litigation; it is an initiative about climate litigation. C2LI looks at litigation through three specific scenarios:
- an individual challenging the State for ineffective climate action (public policy climate litigation);
- an individual challenging her government for authorising a specific project that leads to increased emissions or ineffective adaptation (public project based climate litigation);
- an individual challenging a private actor for operations that allegedly lead to more climate change (private climate litigation).
C2LI will be a web based platform focus that will allow users to explorer these three scenarios in over 30 countries. It will provide information focusing on standing, grounds and remedies and refer also to non-climate specific cases that may be relevant for future climate cases around the three C2LI scenarios. C2LI will be launched at COP26. Meanwhile, please feel free reach out to Francesco.sindico@strath.ac.uk should you wish to have further information, collaborate or support C2LI in any way.