Hosted by Dr Chris White, in partnership with Amanda Carpenter from Planet Pod Productions, this series of informative and thoughtful podcasts is an important part of the run up to COP26 in Glasgow. In each themed episode we talk with Scotland’s own experts who give their insights to the latest research and innovations as we transition towards a net zero economy and a more sustainable and resilient future.
Each Innovate Strathclyde podcast has a panel of guests drawn from external organisations and the University of Strathclyde. The episodes will focus on different innovations, each relating to the transition to a net zero future, including:
- renewables & the energy transition
- sustainable development & circular economy
- climate adaptation & resilience
- finance for green growth
You can listen to the Innovate Strathclyde podcast using the links below, or discover us on Spotify and Apple iTunes podcasts. Subscribe to the Innovate Strathclyde podcast – the Place of Useful Listening.