About me
Dr Scott Strachan is a Teaching Fellow in Strathclyde's Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering.
How my work is changing the world
Around 1.1 billion people live without electricity and another 2.5 billion have poor quality, unreliable electricity. For the past decade, the Energy for Development research team has been engaging in research and outreach activity aimed at achieving SDG 7 – 'Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all' by 2030.
My research and outreach activity focuses on developing off-grid energy solutions involving solar PV systems, and the installation of these in rural communities in Malawi, The Gambia and India.
Our flagship 'Vertically Integrated Projects for Sustainable Development', simultaneously engages Strathclyde students of all disciplines in collaborative, research-based learning centred around the Sustainable Development Goals.
Find out more about our research in Electronic & Electrical Engineering.