ResearchEuropean Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Wind Energy

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Programme Wind Energy was officially launched at the SET-Plan conference in Madrid in June 2010. JP Wind’s Strategic Action Plan outlines the plans to progress this work from 2014 to 2017. It's complemented by the JP Wind Strategy for 2014 to 2030 which outlines the proposed research agenda towards 2030.

The vision of the programme is to move towards a “virtual research centre” with a strategic approach to knowledge sharing and integration. Its key aims are to:

  • foster better integration of European research activities in specific technology domains with the aim to accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon economy and maintain and increase European competitiveness
  • benefit existing priority settings as well as improve the quality and implementation of future priority settings through the coordinating effect on the research communities
  • integrate the various capacities and resources in the joint research activities described in the IRPWIND with ongoing European and national projects carried out by IRP partners and/or other EERA JP members

Find out more information on the EERA website.