We are one of Europe’s leading and largest power systems and energy technology university research groups. Our 200 staff and researchers engage in a diverse range of collaborative, multidisciplinary research programmes, addressing issues such as the creation of sustainable energy systems, to the development of condition monitoring technologies and asset investment planning for major electricity companies.
Our expertise spans four core areas and research in these is augmented by working closely with business, industry and policy partners through strategic Industry Engagement Research Centres (IERCs).
We also host 2 UK Government funded EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) specialising in Wind & Marine Systems, and Future Power Networks and Smart Grids. Through formal training and research programmes, and with support from UK and global industry partners, these aim to produce the next generation of engineering talent needed to lead the vibrant power and energy sectors.
The Institute is equipped with state-of-the-art experimental facilities to support its research and commercial activities. Capabilities include the design, testing and real time simulation of power electronic systems, development of protection relay algorithms, prototyping, intelligent networking, demand side management and associated modelling for future smart grid and micro-grids applications. These facilities are available for industrial use.