The fields of NDE and Condition Monitoring are intimately linked through their goal to evaluate the integrity of components and structures. There are also many common features in their implementation in terms of sensors and instrumentation. CUE is playing a critical role in underpinning technological advances in these areas related to ultrasonic transduction and autonomous systems.
Our research spans:
- Ultrasonic Transducer Array Systems
- Automatic and Autonomous Inspection Techniques
- NDE System Simulation
- Image Processing and Data Visualisation
- Real-Time System Implementation
- Non-Contact UT Inspection
- Wideband Systems to Enhance Inspection of Coarse Grain Materials
- Automated Defect Detection and Classification
- Design and Calibration of Acoustic Emission (AE) Sensors
- A wide range of sensor technologies: ultrasonic, eddy current, electromagnetic, optical
As a core member of the UK Research Centre for Non-Destructive Evaluation (RCNDE), we work with a broad spectrum of industries including aerospace, energy, manufacturing, nuclear and oil & gas. RCNDE is in its third phase of funding and provides industrial collaboration through targeted EPSRC/RCNDE and Engineering Doctorate projects.
A selection of our RCNDE related research projects include:
- Ultrasonic Systems for Challenging Inspection Scenarios
- Wideband Transduction Approaches Inspired by Nature
- Heterogeneous Material Characterisation
- Sparse 2D Array Design
- Autonomous Robotic Inspection
- Advanced Spectral Image Processing Techniques
- Calibration of Condition Monitoring Systems
We have established the Facility for Innovation and Research in Structural Testing (FIRST) to support technology transfer projects in the field of NDE. The FIRST laboratory was initially established through funding from EPSRC and infrastructure investment from the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at The University of Strathclyde. The state-of-the-art NDE imaging and positioning equipment are accommodated in a purpose built laboratory in the University’s Technology Innovation Centre.