CUE has over 30 years of experience in the design, manufacture and application of ultrasonic transducers, transducer arrays and transducer systems for underwater, high power, contact and non-contact applications spanning the frequency range 30kHz-10MHz. We have an international reputation for our pioneering research into ultrasonic transducer systems and in particular, our innovative work on 1-3 connectivity piezoceramic composite technology. Our research covers a large number of technologies in the area of transducers, including:
- Piezoceramic composite design
- Array transducers, including sparse element configurations
- Electrostatic devices
- Micromachined transducers
- Perovskite single crystal transducers
- Non-contact NDE devices
- Wheel probes for NDE
- Tonpilz and Horn Transducers for high power applications
We also have interests in the research area of materials and simulation for ultrasonic applications including:
- Acoustic properties of materials
- Thermal behaviour of ultrasonic transducer materials
- Matching layer technology for air-coupled transducers
- Frequency agile transducers
- Modelling of 1-3 composite transducers using the plane wave expansion method
- Finite element modelling software, PZFlex, for transducer and array design
We offer the facility to fabricate prototype transducers in-house across this broad range of transducer technologies. We also have extensive materials and transducer characterisation facilities to support our transducer developments, ranging from laser vibrometry through to a sonar test tank.